Scaup Radio Transmitter Project
Radio Transmitter Banded Scaup
The Scaup or “Bluebill” Duck is one of the few species of waterfowl
suffering a decline in population numbers over the long term average.
Male and Female Scaup are captured, and implanted with radio transmitters. This allows them to be tracked over a period of 5 migration flights. Real time locations and data can be recorded
by scientists in an attempt to unveil the real cause of the species decline. Click the link to the left or Copy and Paste this Link to track these birds worldwide in real time!
- NW PA Duck Club first partnered with scientists in Long Point Canada who were one of the first to take on this study of Scaup in hopes of reversing their downward trend.
- This coming year the DUCK CLUB is partnering with local researchers in Pymatuning in initiating a similar program to capture and study Scaup migrating in Lake Erie.
- Over $6,000.00 Dollars have been Committed to these projects.
- Just another example of how your club and your monies are being well spend locally to help improve waterfowl and waterfowl habitat.